Sunday, July 12, 2009

It's been a long weekend with Bella

Bella is at this very moment laying in her new "playroom" otherwise known as a formal living room. She is in there all by herself as she has worn out both Jesse and I. Bella ran a fever Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. We assume she was teething, although nothing ended up popping through. During this time period she didn't sleep very well, and neither did the rest of us. She also had trouble eating.

This morning the fever broke and she seemed to be in better spirits. We headed off to church, were she went into the nursery for the first time. Luckily we have a friend who works in the church nursery so we felt confident leaving her in there. She did fine and hopefully we can use that more often, as it beats having one of us out in the lobby with a very talkative Bella during church service.

This afternoon we decided to run some errands and took Bella with us. She fussed the entire time we were in Home Depot. So then I ran into Target by myself while Jesse stayed in the vehicle. We got home and assumed she was hungry.........but refused to eat anything. So then we gave her a little time to lay on the floor, and she got fussy again, so we tried feeding her again. And again nothing. Then we tried giving her some milk....and she just kept spitting it in our face. So needless to say, she has exasperated both of us, and is having her alone time. And currently she is content. It might be teething again, I don't know. All I do know is it is very frustrating that an almost 2 year old can not tell us what she wants, and she is still teething, and probably will be for the next 2 years, being that she only has a total of 5 teeth right now, and most of them don't even seem to be all the way through.
Well that's my rant at the moment. And here is a picture of Jesse imitating Bella's favorite way to pass time, which is to stare at her right arm. Which is what she is currently doing in her "alone time".

1 comment:

  1. What a great picture! I am glad you ranted - everyone needs to at some point...hope she sleeps for you tonight :)
