Monday, December 6, 2010

The small violin

Do you hear it playing in the background?
I know I seem to complain about the same things over and over again.  And most people must think we are crazy when we keep blaming teething for all our problems.  But honestly, this is getting ridiculous.  Every other week we have to stay home with Bella for a day or two because she is teething and is exhibiting a fever, ear infection, not eating, constipated, coughing through the night, and in general being cranky and very irritable.
This whole process is never ending, and the symptoms seem to get worse and worse all the time.  Bella has been teething for awhile and we would have a few things going on, but not this constant all day and night long struggle that keeps her from school and daycare and keeps us up all night and not functioning.
Most of all I feel bad for her, because I know this isn't fun and she seems to be miserable a lot of the time.  And unfortunately we don't really have anything new to report around here, just trying to survive all this teething, and hopefully fit a little bit of the holidays in around it!

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