Friday, June 21, 2013

In Detox

Jesse and I started our 17 Day Diet again.  We did it in the spring last year and were really successful.  Then over the course of a year we both put some weight back on.  Although luckily I only put half back on, so as far as diets go I would say this one was pretty good.  But since we had put some weight back on, we decided to try it again.

It’s day 5.  I have had a headache for all 5 days.  I think my body is mad at me for going cold turkey on carbs.  I am a carboholic!  Luckily this diet isn’t too crazy, only 17 days without carbs and then 17 days with carbs limited to every other day, and then you can put them back in your diet.

Since I am currently in the middle of this diet, along with continuous headaches and going to bed hungry (I could eat veggies if I wanted, but I would rather be hungry and just go to bed than eat a carrot at 7oclock at night), it pretty much explains why I have been absent from both of my blogs this week and most likely next week too.

Also Oliver’s 2nd birthday is around the corner, so we have some things planned for that.  If only I can ditch this headache and get productive….oh and we have a dining room with just a few details to finish…talk about procrastination!

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