Wednesday, January 12, 2011

What's a schedule?

I started back up at work last September, and everyone always asks me how work is going.  I don't mind working and sometimes I actually enjoy it.  The problem I have is that I was really hoping once Bella went to preschool close to home we could have a schedule.  But that never seems to happen.  Every week it is something that keeps me from going into work.  And not only am I not showing up for my job but I have to cancel the sitter for Bella, and I'm not so sure she enjoys the crazy schedule of never knowing whether Bella is going to show up and whether she is going to get paid for the time.
This week we had the pleasure of having a snow day on Monday and then Bella's surgery on Tuesday.
 Bella's surgery went well.  It was an early morning with a 4:45am wake up call courtesy of Bella.  We got ready and headed out of the house at 6am in order to make it downtown by 6:45am on the snowy roads.  We had to wait around for 2 hours before Bella was even taken back for surgery due to some patients in front of her being late.  The worst part about it, is they can't eat or drink before surgery so you are hanging out in a little patient room with a child that is very hungry and doesn't understand what is going on.  After she finally went back, it was super quick and we were reunited with her in less than 30 minutes.  Now we get to see if the ears heal (a six week process) and what her hearing results and infection numbers will be.
 We had lined up my mom to come watch Bella after the surgery, but the snow kept her from making it down.  So another day spent at home trying to get work done in little shifts, some in the early morning, some during Bella's nap time, and some after she goes to bed.
 And a little bit was accomplished with a helper, granted we got bored pretty quickly and mom had to stop working.

What I would give for a normal schedule....go figure the engineer would like to plan things out and be able to stick to them.

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