Tuesday, March 27, 2012


We seem to have a new routine around here, which I am actually starting to enjoy.  Oliver has been waking up around 6am, which is great when he sleeps through the night (not so great if we have been up during the night).  But the past couple nights have gone well.  Bella has been doing better and she has been waking up herself sometime between 6 and 7am.

So our morning goes like this.

6am, Oliver wakes up and gets his morning bottle.

6:30am, I get to eat breakfast while Oliver plays.

7am, Bella gets up, and gets dressed, I also get Oliver dressed for the day.

7:30am, I feed Bella breakfast and Oliver gets to eat finger foods.

Bella slowly eats breakfast, sometimes she is so slow she finishes it at school.


Oliver loves to eat finger foods, and intently works on those slippery bananas.


8:15am, after breakfast we clean up the kitchen and get Bella’s school stuff ready to go.  Then we load up and head off to drop Bella at school.

9am, we get back from school and it’s definitely time (usually past time) for Oliver to go down for his morning nap.

9:15am, if I’m feeling motivated, I work out.  If not I might do a little work or clean.

Well that’s our morning around here.  Nothing too exciting, but it’s nice to get into a little bit of a routine.  Now if we can just keep the sickness away!!

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