Tuesday, June 15, 2010

More Excitement

All this rain and flooding has brought out a bunch of new creatures.

Check out, I'm so sexy in my riped so my nipple can show shirt.

No this isn't the creatures I was talking about.

We had bats. Yes that's right a mama and a baby bat, right up against the house. They were sleeping, being that it was still daylight out. Sorry didn't feel safe taking any pictures of them.

At first Jesse thought he could pick them up in a grocery sack.
Then decided that throwing a bucket over it would be a better idea.
Good thing he went with the bucket, as the mama bat was MAD!!! Might have been because part of the wing got caught in the edge of the bucket. But it was flapping around inside the bucket like crazy. Enough so that Jesse screamed out and had the neighbors 100 yards away starting to run over to make sure everything was alright.

We told them we were fine, just catching a bat. I slid a piece of cardboard under the bucket and we carried it over to the creek. Then we put it down and tried to tip the bucket over while running away. Okay I might have run away first and left Jesse alone to try and release the bat.

Then we had to go back and get the baby bat and give him the same treatment.

I think bats are fine, just don't want to find them sleeping under the deck against the house.

Oh and here are our ever helpful bat dogs. They didn't even notice a thing going on.

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