Friday, February 17, 2012

What happens when?

I often have these great stories to tell.  I think about them when I should be sleeping, when I’m driving, when I’m feeding the kids, etc.  Then I finally find a little bit of time to write them, and I don’t feel like typing that much, talking about them anymore, or I just plain forgot.
Bella is currently upstairs in bed……..yelling.  She is supposed to be napping.  I don’t put her down for a nap that often anymore.  But I just got done giving her a bath and while I was getting her dressed, which meant she had to be laying in her bed, she was keeping her eyes closed the whole time.  So I figured maybe she wanted to rest for a little bit.  Oliver is currently napping, but I’m guessing with the yelling going on right next door to him, I will have to go get him sooner than I can finish this post. 
I don’t know if I ever reported that our family did not receive the bath remodel.  It went to a family with two middle school age boys that were both handicap.  I couldn’t imagine giving two 12 year old boys a bath, because I am having a hard time giving my light 4 year old a bath.  I’m really not sure how much easier it would be with a shower chair.  She currently sits in her special bath chair.  The hardest part about giving her a bath is when it’s time to wash the parts of her body she sits/lays on.  Which, sorry for being explicit, is the parts of her body that are the stinkiest and need to get washed.  The other hard part is lifting her out of the bath once she is slippery and trying to maneuver a towel around her while not getting yourself wet.  I guess you could also say that just washing her in general while having to uncomfortably lean yourself over the bathtub is also difficult, and pretty much guarantees yourself a backache when you are done.
But as I mentioned with her only being 4 years old is only the beginning.  Some things that really scare me are mostly related to being a girl.  I couldn’t imagine trying to shave her armpits, she would not keep her arm up for it, and she probably even wouldn’t let us keep her arm up for her.  And then her legs would probably be easier, but still a pain.  I know I have a ways to go before I really have to deal with it, but I still think and worry about it.  And yes it might be superficial in comparison to all her problems, but in general I don’t want silly things like leg hair to be noticeable and cause even more kids/adults to view her as different and unapproachable.
And for now, Bella has stopped yelling, maybe she even went to sleep.  And Oliver doesn’t seem to be making any noise.  So I might just have a few spare minutes to myself!

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