Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The guessing game

We complain about the guessing game and trying to figure out what is wrong with Bella.  We have our usual suspects…teething, ear infection, etc.

Today we had a new one – pneumonia.


That’s right, I’m currently typing this post from the hospital where I am staying with Bella.  We rushed to the ER this noon when she was having trouble breathing.  They diagnosed her with pneumonia and wanted to transport her downtown to the ICU.  So Jesse and Bella got to ride in the ambulance.  Since her ride down she has been doing good, and now we are fighting the red tape that is Bella’s abnormal condition.  All the doctors and nurses don’t think she needs to be in the ICU, but because of her condition and the unknown, they don’t want to move her to a regular non-intensive room.  Bella is sleeping right now and doesn’t seem to mind either way.  I’m just hoping with all the nurse checks and prods every hour, she is still able to get a decent sleep.  For now I am just glad that everything is going so well for her.

There is an uncomfortable looking recliner calling my name over in the corner or maybe Bella will make room for me on her bed!

1 comment:

  1. My prayers are with your sweet Bella (as well as you, Jesse, and Oliver). So sorry to hear she is sick!
