Saturday, April 14, 2012

A new lifestyle

So we have had a little excitement around here the past week.  Not really good excitement, more like everyone is feeling crappy.  Both kids are teething.  Oliver just had another bottom tooth pop through, and Bella seems to be working on her final set of molars (yeah!).  Except bringing in molars for Bella is a year process, so we will be dealing with this for a while yet.  But at least we are on the tail end, until we have to deal with the adult teeth process.  Jesse had been having stomach problems and went in to get it diagnosed.  We don’t have a final answer, but preliminarily it seems to be a problem with the gall bladder.  Well if you know anything about the gall bladder, it basically helps the body with digestion.  And when it has problems, it’s trying to tell you to change your diet.  This also piggy backs the weight I have been trying to lose for the past few months.  I had been trying to count calories and work out, but haven’t been very diligent with it.  We feel like we don’t really eat fatty foods around here, but we don’t eat nutrient rich foods.  We tend to get busy and stressed and eat a lot of processed foods.  I have been wanting to change this for awhile, hence the vegetable challenge during lent.  So we have done a little research and starting this weekend we are going to be undergoing a drastic eating change.

007  We have decided to follow the 17 day diet.  The main reason for picking this book is that is removes sugars and carbs for the first couple of weeks so that your body no longer craves them.  This a huge deal to me, because if I am hungry, I pretty much want a quick carb.  I won’t be blogging about this daily, but I might give you weekly updates to let you know how it’s going.  The biggest challenges for me on the first 17 day cycle are going to be:  drinking 8 glasses of water a day (I might shoot for 4 glasses because 8 is just going to be impossible), not being allowed to drink anything sugary (I am a sugar drinker – I know total bad habit), having to cut out caffeine or learning to drink plain coffee, and of course not being able to reach for something carb or sugar loaded when things get stressful.  It’s going to be lots of vegetables, chicken, tuna, eggs, and a few fruits around here for the next couple of weeks.  Wish us luck!!


And happier days for a poor teething Bella!!

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