Friday, July 9, 2010

Nothing is getting done around here

Ever have those weeks when you feel like nothing is being accomplished?  That's how I feel this week.  Granted we did get the entry way demolished on Monday, but since then things have come to a stop.  That's mainly because Bella got sick.  I think it was a little 24 hour bug, we had fevers, throwing up, and diarrhea.  Not much fun.
We are finally eating a little bit today, and I am happy to report that both Bella and I slept through the night last night (after only getting 2 hours sleep the night before).  Hopefully we can continue to improve, although right now as I am typing someone is not too happy to be playing on her own.  Looks like it's going to be another full day of wanting to be held, and mom not getting anything done.

1 comment:

  1. Kristen,
    So sorry to hear Bella was so sick this week...poor girl! I hope she is completely recovered by now....and that you & Jesse don't get it, too! Hopefully her sleeping and eating habits are back to normal, too!:)

    Love, Linda
