Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween

 We went out trick-or-treating and hit all of two houses.  It was getting chilly quickly and while we started out our journey with a smile, by house number 2 we were coughing.  So we quickly proceeded to head back home.
 Bella has a costume parade and party at preschool tomorrow, so she will get to show off her pirate costume one more time.  I'm not really sure what she thinks of all of it.  But as shown above, she did smile while out and about.  And she did cry when I took the outfit off (an no, it wasn't hurting her to come off).  I actually have no idea why we cried, so I'm going to say we loved our outfit and like most kids wanted to stay dressed up!


  1. I love her costume!!! It was great to see her at the bridal shower and she looked so cute in her pink dress.

  2. Such a cute costume, Kristen! Great job of sewing it! Bella looks just darling in it! (Love the one of her smiling while trick-or-treating!
