Sunday, December 4, 2011

Not getting better

Bella is not getting better, in fact the past couple of nights you would say she is getting worse.  She went all of Saturday without eating or drinking.  Today she actually ate and drank about half of what would be normal for her.  She spends most of the night coughing and either Jesse or I am sleeping with her, so that when she does cough we can be there to prop her up and console her.  So we take turns through half the night, and the other half of the night we are in the guest bedroom.  Where we get to attend to Oliver if he wakes up, which for some reason has been a couple times a night these past nights (when normally it's zero).  You know, when it rains it pours.  So we are going off 4-5 hours of sleep, which we get in 1 hour increments.  And slowly everything else we want to get done, seems to be falling behind.
And I lay in bed praying to God to just let Bella get some sleep and stop coughing.  I'm not saying she can't occasionally get a cold, but does it have to involve her coughing all night long and going on 10 days straight.  Give the poor girl a break.  Not to mention when I am praying for some relief, the minute Bella stops coughing and I assume she falls asleep, Oliver starts screaming (this was at 2am last night).  And I think really.  I guess you helped Bella, but apparently I don't get a break.
I told Jesse is would be nice if we could get a respite nurse to come and stay over 1 night a week.  So at least we would know that one night we could get a good night's sleep.  But I don't see that happening.

Jesse is currently writing a post to be featured sometime soon, you know life is getting rough for us when Jesse speaks up on here!

We have been able to turn on the fireplace just a couple of times, someone seems to enjoy it.

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