Monday, May 7, 2012

The art of moving

We had friends who would complain about how much their kids moved around constantly and got into everything.  We would just sit back and listen and think to ourselves, you have no idea what it is like to have a child that doesn’t move, I would trade you any day.

Well of course we now have a child that is constantly moving and getting into everything.  And sometimes you do want to say “Can’t you be more like your sister and just stay in one place?”  Of course we don’t really want that.  It’s tiring but very exciting to have a child that moves around.  We enjoy all of his milestones and developments.  It’s amazing to watch how quickly he catches on to things.  And yes we can admit there are a few “bonuses” to Bella’s condition.

1.  I could go to the bathroom in peace without having to keep my child from playing in the dog water bowl or putting the white toilet bolt cap into his mouth.

2.  I didn’t have to shut all the doors, specifically the basement door for fear of my child falling down the stairs.

3.  I could eat my meal without my child wanting to grab everything on it.  I could also put my drink on the tray on the couch and enjoy it, instead of having my child try and immediately grab the tray and send the drink spilling all over.

4.  I could vacuum without having to constantly stop to take the cord out of my child’s mouth, oh who am I kidding, I don’t vacuum…..usually.

But even with all these annoyances the “moving” child creates, I would give anything to have Bella moving around.  The other night I was tired after a long day and we still needed to give Bella a bath and put her to bed.  I simply asked her if she might possibly be able to walk upstairs and I would start the bath for her, she could play for awhile in the tub, and I would get her clean.  Then we could walk to her room where she could pick out her pajamas and put them on, then Mom would read her some stories and we could go to bed.  You see, I can admit that sometimes it just gets so old having to completely take care of someone, and frankly I am getting tired of having to carry her ALL THE TIME.  Instead I have to carry her upstairs, put her in the special bath chair, awkwardly wash her, creatively try and grab her from the wet chair and get her wrapped up in a towel without getting myself soaked in the process, carry her to her room, put on her diaper and pajamas, give her the night meds (allergy and sleeping), and if she is in a good mood read her a story, and then put her to bed.

Luckily Bella stays in bed, and we don’t have to deal with a toddler that comes into our room.  But she still acts like a toddler in that she wakes up during the night and cries for us, it could be because she needs a diaper change, she wants a drink of water, she had a bad dream, her teeth hurt, she’s coughing, or sometimes we have no idea.  She can’t tell us the reason.  And some of the time, she still gets to come into our bed, since that usually guarantees she will go back to sleep.

I pray that God gives me more energy, because I need it.  I feel that I don’t interact with Bella enough and that she is bored.  Granted most times when I try and get her to do things, or take her places because I think she wants to get out of the house, she ends up whining and complaining.  But I think it would be so boring to be Bella, so therefore I feel like there are a million more things I should be doing.  I just can’t.  If only she could tell me that everything is okay.KuhlenFall2011135

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