Thursday, May 10, 2012

Goal #1–Accomplished

I have gotten back to my pre-Bella weight!  I can also finally fit back into my old jeans. 


In staying true to my – no new clothes goal this year – I have been busy sewing myself some new shirts.  This is the first one I made that I actually like.  The others need a few tweaks here and there, and once you finish it, it’s hard to make yourself tear it apart to fix the mistakes and sew it all over again.  So for now I wear a few of them with the mistakes, and a couple I don’t really wear.  All part of the learning process.

I might have to break my rule about no new clothes once I hit my next goal, which would be 25 pounds lighter than I started at the end of last year.  I think a small shopping spree might be in order for accomplishing that.

We are pretty much staying the coarse of this diet, although I must say I have been adding in a few whole wheat tortillas here and there, it gets kind of old to use lettuce as your bread, but I try to only do that every other day.  My most interesting meal to date was this:  Chicken quinoa salad with a blue cheese dressing.  It was actually pretty good.  So for all of you questioning whether you should jump on the super food quinoa bandwagon, I say go for it!



  1. Doesn't this mean you get to book your next tropical vacation? I hope so! Can't wait to hear about it.

  2. Congratulations, Kristen, on attaining your goal of reaching pre-Bella weight! That's a great accomplishment! :)
