Friday, May 4, 2012

Impromptu Family Day

Jesse had been working hours this week and was able to make it home by 1pm today.  Being that it was 90 degrees out, we decided to borrow our neighbors pool for some afternoon family fun.

Oliver loved the water, he splashed around and had no fears, even putting his whole face in the water a couple of times.  Bella like always enjoyed relaxing in the water.


After the hour we spent outside in the sun and water we put both kids down for an afternoon nap.  They both woke up at 5:30pm, so we decided to try and fit in a quick dinner at a restaurant.  Our criteria was something close, something fairly quick, and something that wouldn’t be busy.  We ended up at a local pizza place.  No, pizza is not technically on our diet, but today was our official 17th day.  We now start phase 2 of the diet.  In this phase you have a day that you have more calories (although pizza still technically isn’t allowed on this phase) and then you follow with a day on the original restricted diet.  This causes your metabolism to rev up, because you are tricking it into thinking you will be eating more, but then the following day you don’t.  This phase is still a little restrictive.  The only new things we can add are brown rice, potatoes, oatmeal, and beans.  But this does give us a little more options than we had before.

And on the first 17 days I have officially lost 10 pounds.  I didn’t really think it would go that well for me, but apparently it worked.  And that was with only walking about every other day.  For this diet plan you don’t start working out until phase 3 when you really start adding in more foods.

Both kids did great at the restaurant.  Which is a sign that we should probably get out and about more!

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