Tuesday, March 26, 2013

So stupid

It’s very frustrating when something so small and insignificant can totally mess up your life.

Last fall it was when I sprained my ankle to the point where I couldn’t even take care of my kids for a couple of days.

This time it’s even worse, as in stupid.  I did something to my wrist.  I have no idea what I did.  A couple of days ago it started hurting, and I noticed it when I was carrying Bella around or Oliver. When they would lean back in my arms so that my wrist was engaged to hold them up, it would send a sharp pain radiating down my arm.

Now it’s so bad that small things hurt it.  Doing the dishes, putting on my seatbelt, absolutely anything that involves rotating my wrist and then any type of force no matter how small.  The problem is….I have to use my wrist.  I use it all the time…all day long.  And some things like carrying a tantrum throwing toddler or a handicap 5 year old make it scream in pain.

Speaking of tantrums.  I took Oliver with me to get my allergy shot this morning.  I figured since I have to sit around in the doctors office for 30 minutes, I would take Oliver to the inside playground to wear him out beforehand.  Except he didn’t want to play in the actual playground.  He threw a huge fit in the middle of the room.  Instead he wanted to explore the rides, the little rides you can insert quarters into.  So after I got him calmed down and we packed up our things, we headed back over to the rides.


I didn’t insert a single quarter, but he still managed to have fun climbing all over them for the following 40 minutes.

And then we had an epic tantrum when we had to leave and head over to the doctors office.  I guess 40 minutes wasn’t enough for his liking.  I should have just pulled up a chair and I could have sat there and watched him all morning long…or at least till the mall opens up and then we might have gotten a few stares!

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