Friday, March 29, 2013

Those dreaded doctors appointments

As you all know Bella has been fussy FOREVER.  Exactly a month ago I called to make an appointment with an ear doctor just to see if that was the problem.  And finally a month later we got in to see the doctor.

So the appointment was set for 2:30pm.  That would mean that Bella would be able to attend school and have plenty of time to eat lunch before we had to leave.  She wouldn’t be able to take a nap…so hopefully she wouldn’t need one.

Oliver on the other hand would need to go down for his nap a little earlier so that he had the potential to take a long nap if needed.

So how did it actually go down?

Bella went to school.  Bella ate her lunch.  Bella then hung out with me until her appointment.  Bella was doing great (except the 10 minute period when she wasn’t getting her lunch as soon as she wanted because I was dealing with Oliver).

So you are going to guess that Oliver was the problem.

It wasn’t that Oliver was a problem.  He just wanted to be outside today.  I had him all dressed and ready to go to the appointment and was debating putting him down for his nap, except he just didn’t seem tired yet.  So if I didn’t put him down, he would be coming outside with me to get Bella from the bus.  And once he stepped foot outside, I didn’t think I would get him inside.

I was right.

Bella got off the bus and as I was getting her, Oliver ran over to the biggest mud/water puddle and jumped on in.

Since at that point his outfit was ruined, I figured I would let him play outside for a little while.  I put Bella inside to lay around, stretch out and relax after class.

Here were some of Oliver’s antics outside.


The grass is starting to show…it’s golfing weather!


This was the first time I have seen him try and hit his balls with the clubs.


At this point we had been outside for 10 minutes or so and needed to get back inside with Bella.

Oliver wanted nothing to do with it and kept flinging himself down on the ground.


I didn’t want to hold him, since he was all muddy.


So we did a very slow, half drag, half down on the ground walk back to the house.

Then of course we had to strip him before he even set foot in the house.


He didn’t want to go down for a nap.  He kept wanting to go back outside.  This was the period I was talking about where I had both children crying.  Bella wanted to eat, and Oliver didn’t want to be napping.

I finally got Oliver down and got busy feeding Bella.

The actual doctors appointment went great.  By that I meant the kids did wonderful, especially since we had to sit in the waiting room and patient room for near an hour before we even saw the doctor.  I would actually say it was kind of a miracle that I managed it all by myself.  There might have been a point when Oliver wanted to eat his animal crackers off the floor, and I was about to the point where if it kept him happy I didn’t care.  But of course I did care because it was the floor in a public place, so I made him get up, and luckily that next minute the doctor actually came in.

The report on Bella’s ears….everything is fine.  Not the cause of her problems.

So to celebrate their good behavior we stopped and got ice cream on the way home.

Oliver’s first ice cream cone.


No he is not wearing shorts…he just always pulls his pants over his knees in the car.


And a second outfit of the day ruined….but this kid was in high heaven.  Eating ice cream while playing outside!



And in case you are wondering….Bella actually got the top half of the cone which I had them put in a dish.  I didn’t trust Oliver with a full height ice cream cone in the car.  He was certainly messy enough as it was.

Bella did a wonderful job today and made the day so much easier for mommy…thanks beautiful girl!


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