Sunday, October 28, 2012

Another Car Trip

Bella’s physical therapist called me the other day and asked if they could try using a neck brace on Bella so that she wouldn’t lean her head over to the side so much.  It would allow her to move her head, but prevent her from completely slumping it over.  I told them they had my permission to try anything, and in the back of my mind I thought if they came up with something good we could definitely use it on walks and on car rides.  Bella’s head is always completely slumped  over for most of the time when in a car seat or in the stroller, so we really needed something to work. 

They used the neck brace at school last week for a couple of days and then let us take it for the long weekend to give it a try.  We first tried it on a walk, and it worked well.  Although I laughed that people probably thought Bella had been in some type of accident and broke her neck.  We then put it on her for the car ride back to Nebraska this weekend.


It actually worked quite well, and she didn’t complain.  Although after an hour she got it loose and it fell off.  We went ahead and left it off for the rest of the trip.  But I definitely think this is something we can use on occasion to help her. 


Oliver does well on car rides, as long as he has his blanket and plenty of graham crackers!


1 comment:

  1. AWESOME! So glad to see they are finally trying a neck brace on Bella! (We were wondering why they didn't try it sooner!) Hope her view is much more enjoyable now, whether inside or out!:)
