Thursday, October 4, 2012


First I wanted to share with you a new recipe I found.  I’m sure you are well aware that I love making pumpkin items.  I will seriously try about anything if it has pumpkin in it.

Yesterday I whipped up some Pumpkin Donut Holes.


I followed the recipe exactly.  You use a mini muffin pan, so the donut holes are actually tiny little muffins.  The recipe actually yielding 48 muffins, instead of the 24 it stated.  So you had to use the pan twice unless you own two pans…which I don’t.  If you do want to make these, and I highly suggest you do, I will tell you a little cheat I came up with near the end.  After you bake them you are supposed to roll the whole thing in butter and then coat it in a cinnamon sugar mix.  This was the most time consuming part.  So after I had done half the batch, I started only dipping the tops in the butter and then into the sugar mix.  You can’t taste much difference, it was 5 times faster, and probably better for you anyways.  It’s definitely hard to stop eating these!

I actually worked in the morning and then made the donut holes while Bella was home for lunch.  That afternoon she went over to the sitters to join Oliver.  We all know how messy my house is, or at least you have heard me talk about it.  I did some quick research on house cleaners.  And it still seems so expensive to me.  So I thought to myself that I had 3-4 hours that afternoon.  Why don’t I just get as much done cleaning wise as I can.  I should be able to make a huge dent in the house in that amount of time.

Ha Ha Ha.  I did in fact clean for 3 hours, but came no where near to that deep clean I thought I would accomplish.  I guess I need a whole weekend to actually get that done.  Part of my problem was that I started things in all parts of the house so not one room really got done.  Well at least some places look better than they used to.

1 comment:

  1. I just looked up the recipe and I'm trying it! I too LOVE all things pumpkin! Love your blog, as always and love seeing and hearing about sweet Bella!

    My tip for cleaning .... do not leave the room you are in. Make a pile and carry the items to another room but do not leave the room you are cleaning until it is done. It's the only way to actually get a room clean. I promise!
