Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween

Today was a great day!!  You might even say our best Halloween yet.  I guess I jinxed it enough by saying it was going to be awful that it turned out awesome.  Do people still say awesome?…it’s just what came to mind!

This morning we had Bella’s class party.  Bella went off to school and Oliver headed to the sitters.  I prepped a few things for Bella’s class and finished off a couple things for their costumes and then headed up to school.

Bella was the line leader for the class parade.  She did fairly well, looking at some of the students as we passed by.  All the grade school classes were lined up in the hallway to watch the preschool costume parade.


They took a class photo.  I’m deliberately keeping this photo zoomed out, as we are not supposed to post photos without permission.  But I wanted to show how they had all the supermans pose around Bella.  I thought it was cute.


Last night the kids and dad carved pumpkins.

Oliver did not like the feel of the slimy innards of the pumpkin.


Bella didn’t want to touch them either.


Both of them lost interest very quickly, so Jesse had to do a simple carving for this year.


After dinner we started the process of getting the costumes on.  Their undergarments cracked me up.



And then we headed over to our friends/aka Bella and Oliver’s babysitter to join them for trick-or-treating.  They have a daughter and son who are the same age as ours.



Oliver got the hang of trick or treating very quickly.  He loved the freedom of being able to walk up and down the sidewalks and streets.  He liked climbing up to peoples front doors and checking out the decorations.  He didn’t talk to anyone or even really smile when they offered candy.  But he certainly wasn’t shy about taking pieces from the bowl when they were offered.  In fact he would put his hand in 2 or 3 times until we would stop him.


There were tons of kids in the neighborhood and we had a great time.  Definitely better than our own neighborhood which got zero kid traffic.


We got back home around 7 pm and let Oliver have one of his treats.  Some of the treats were even toddler friendly!


His favorite thing of the whole night was a skeleton he got at one of the houses.  He carried it around for an hour before he dropped it, and sadly it then lost an arm.


Bella did awesome as well.  She had her head up a lot of the time and enjoyed walking around and maybe even looking at the kids that were all around her in costume.  She didn’t necessarily get any treats, we didn’t even take her up to any doors since she can’t really do stairs.  So tomorrow we plan to pick up some ice cream just for her.


1 comment:

  1. Darling costumes with Bella as "Tinker Bell" and Oliver as "Peter Pan"! :) (Great job, Kristen!) Glad to hear the kids had fun! Looks like Bella really enjoyed Halloween this year....traveling in her chair, holding her head up, and looking around at everyone...awesome! :)
