Wednesday, November 7, 2012

More Trouble

I taught someone how to apply chapstick.  I am always putting on chapstick, so he too wants to have some on.  He also knows which drawer it is stored in, and though he cant see in it.  He is tall enough to open it up and pull all the contents out until he finds the chapstick.  It’s really about time to put locks on some of these drawers!

The other morning I had Oliver in the bedroom with me as I was getting Bella dressed for school.  I saw him over by my desk and he was making a motion like he was putting on chapstick.  I do have a chapstick on my desk, so I thought maybe he had gotten a hold of it.


Can’t tell yet…..Let’s get closer.


It was a highlighter he had found on my desk.  Highlighter = something with a lid I can pull off and then apply to my lips.  Well done son….well done!

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