Friday, February 8, 2013

Diaper Dance

This morning.

Oliver pooped.  I changed him.  He doesn’t like to be changed, so it takes a little bit of patience to make sure he is occupied with something and that you are quick and efficient.


I was taking them to the sitters today so I can work.  I had gotten them both dressed and was going to put Oliver’s shoes on, when I noticed a smell.

Oliver had pooped again.

This time he kept running away from me and did not want me to change his pants.  I chased him down and picked him up.  He then proceeds to bite me on the shoulder as he is screaming.  I tell him to not bite me, and to stop screaming, he needs his pants changed because he is stinky.

I hand him a toy to play with and lay him down.  He proceeds to keep screaming and kicking and then chucks the toy at me.

At this point I am done.  I tell him that if he wants to run around in a poopy diaper all day long and stink up the house…fine by me.  If he wants to have that in his pants and make his bottom red, raw, and bloody…fine by me.

Of course I really couldn’t send him off to the sitters like that.  So I held him down and told him he was going to get his pants changed.  And finally we got it done.

I was so glad to drop them off at the sitters and get some time away from poopy diapers and tantrum throwing “I want fruit snacks” and fussing..try and guess what I want children.

1 comment:

  1. Joseph hates a dirty diaper and usually rips it off and 'hides' it in his closet. I don't discover this until he runs by naked! Probably should think about potty training, but I refuse until summer. I can't wait until we get these two boys together! Bella and Evelyn can just roll their eyes at their foolishness :)
