Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Princess and the Pea

Jesse and I were just commenting on how we were starting to feel better overall.  We weren’t dragging as much as we had been.

No mystery there, we have been actually getting more sleep.  It does mean that our bedtime has been 8 or 9 pm.  And that includes the weekends.  In other words, we don’t have much of a life.

And then last night hit.  Bella woke up sometime around 1:30am.  After some investigation by Jesse, it seems she had a tiny turd in her diaper.  We are talking a pea here…your welcome for the visual.

Anyways at 2:30 am, Jesse is waking me up and saying it’s my turn to go into Bella’s room since she hasn’t gone back to sleep yet.  He thought maybe she had actually finished her business and got a bigger poop out.

I went into her room, and she just seemed wide awake to me.  I gave her some drinks and then when I noticed she was shoving her hand into her mouth, I tried some orajel.

At 2:45am she is still up and being loud.  Jesse asks if I even went into her room.  I did.  Then he asks if I checked her pants.  I reply no, it didn’t smell and I didn’t feel anything, she just seems wide awake to me.  So he then says I need to go back in there and check.  I think I yell something about “fine I will go check her butt crack for you” and I stomp out of the room. 

I check her pants…nothing.  I tell her to go to sleep and I get back into bed.

Now it’s 4am.  Bella is still up and being loud.  I think both Jesse and I have dozed off and on this whole time, but not really getting any good sleep.  Jesse decides to get up for work, since he isn’t sleeping and proceeds to put Bella in bed with me.  And of course she falls asleep in our bed.  I don’t remember the exact time, but I’m guessing it was sometime around 4:45am.

So to wrap up this really long story (which isn’t out of the ordinary for us).  We had a bad nights sleep again last night and all because Bella had a poop the size of a pea at 1 in the morning.  I think this is why we feel the world is against us!

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