Sunday, February 3, 2013

A touching story

I saw this linked on Facebook....not a big fan of Facebook but I do have an account for whatever reason.
I found myself tearing up during the awards ceremony... And then again when I watched a longer video later. See if you can make it.
I thought of Oliver and Bella the whole time. The past couple years I've wanted to run with Bella in the trolley run here in kc but the weather hasn't cooperated... Hopefully it will be better this year and she can go along. I often wonder what Oliver thinks of his sister and why she doesn't interact with him. Once he understands I'm sure he will surprise us all. I have always been nervous about when Oliver starts competing in sports, what we will do with Bella and how much time will be dedicated to Oliver and his activities... Maybe he will want his sister there with him as well.
Hope you enjoy the videos.


  1. Oh my goodness...what a wonderful and inspiring story. Thanks for sharing it, Jess!

  2. Holy smokes! Needless to say I DIDN'T MAKE IT! We even paused it during the second video to do something else, but when we resumed it, so did the tears. One just can't help but think of Bella and Oliver while watching those videos. ...Grampa Kuhlen
