Thursday, January 12, 2012

Organizing Toys


We have been busy trying to get our lives organized around here.  We still have some small tasks to finish our ongoing projects, but the next big one is starting some work in the basement.  Which means going through things and organizing. 

We have a million toys, but I find it hard to get rid of any of them.  Mainly because Bella really doesn’t outgrow the 0-1 year toys.  We just put them into a rotation so they seem new.  And every year for Christmas or her birthday, she gets the same kind of toys.

It’s going to be a whole new world when Oliver outgrows these toys and gets more complex ones.  Maybe then I will let go of some and only keep the favorites.

It’s also very interesting to see Bella play with some of the toys she used to have no interest in.  Mainly because Oliver will play with them and put them in his mouth.  Next thing I know Bella has it in her hand.  For someone who claims to not be very coordinated or be able to do many things, she is quite fast at stealing toys from Oliver.  Oliver dishes it right back, so for now they are even.

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