Thursday, September 8, 2011

Dr Appointments

I just wanted to take a little time today to complain about highlight our upcoming schedule.

Today - ear appointment for Bella
Tomorrow - school appointment for Bella to set goals for the current year
Monday - Bella's birthday and
Monday - Johnson County Developmental Supports open house (county assistance program for families with special needs)
Thursday - Dr appointment for myself
Friday - Dr appointment for Bella
Saturday - Bella's birthday party
Monday - orthotics appointment to get new shoes for Bella

It gets very stressful having to attend all these appointments, so it will be a busy next couple of weeks.

But on a brighter note, Bella came home from school yesterday and was in a great mood, so I videotaped a little bit of her and Oliver.

1 comment:

  1. Cute video of Bella playing peek-a-boo with her little brother! Oliver must be getting used to the camera, as it looks like he's trying to tell us what his thoughts are about this game.
