Saturday, September 10, 2011

He is a walking fool

Remember how I mentioned I wanted to get some pictures of Bella and of Oliver and Bella together.  Well I attempted yesterday.  I wasn't too successful, but Bella was not feeling the best and you can tell by her face.

She did not want to sit up on her own.

And then when her brother joined her, it was even worse.  The child looked tortured.

Oliver wasn't very excited about it either.

Oliver would rather show you one of his favorite things to do, which just cracks me up.

1 comment:

  1. That third picture of Bella is so precious! It's so funny, though, how her demeanor changes when Oliver is placed on her lap.

    What a cute video of Oliver trying to walk! :) (Uunbelievable!) I think you were right the last time we were together and you mentioned you thought he was going to be an early walker! You guys are going to have fun trying to keep up with him, ha!
