Wednesday, September 7, 2011


I have allergies, they are bad right now.  And of course the only medicine that works makes me very sleepy.  It doesn't help that I have been only getting about 5-6 hours of sleep each night.  I'm exhausted.  Yesterday I went to make a bottle for Oliver and put the cap on to shake it.  Only I didn't actually put a cap on, just the nipple cover without a nipple in it.  So when I shook it, it spilled all over me, and the kitchen.  It's been those kind of days.

Tonight we are having people over for a fantasy football draft.  Which means I need to clean up the house.  I secretly think my husband always likes to host things so he has an excuse to ask me to clean the house.  Granted he usually ends up doing the bulk of the work, so I'm not so sure it works out in his favor.
We are also trying to figure out how to accommodate two kiddos who want to be in chairs at the same time.  This might take some work to get right, but we have a couple of months before we actually have to worry about feeding Oliver from the highchair, for now he just likes to sit in it.

1 comment:

  1. Cute picture of Bella & Oliver in their chairs! However, by the look on Oliver's face, I'm not too sure he likes that pig toy, ha!
