Thursday, September 1, 2011

Picture Day

It's picture day at school today.  So far Bella never really gets a picture worth ordering, but there is always hope.  I figured I would snap a few of them this morning before she left for school.

This last picture is Bella pulling at her ear, there is still something obviously wrong with her, as she has been fussing and crying for 5 weeks now.  The ear doctor said there was a remnant of ear infection, and removed some dead skin, which was supposed to help.  It could just be teething, and when I asked our pediatrician if there was anything stronger we could give her, as she is obviously in pain, I was told there was pretty much nothing besides Motrin and Tylenol.  So here we are, all miserable and nothing we can do about it.  I'm hoping things change soon because I am at the end of my rope with Bella.  As stated I know she is in pain and can't help it, but after 5 weeks of her foul mood, not napping or sleeping good, I am exhausted and can't take anymore.  So I'm praying that we can get some relief soon.

*BTW - if you like Bella's picture outfit I highly suggest you head to a nearby Carters outlet if you are lucky enough to have one.  They currently have everything in their store 50% off, and this outfit came off their clearance rack which is already on sale and then an additional 30% off the clearance price, plus if you have one of their 20% or 25% coupons you get that discount on top of it.  Needless to say, it's a good deal!

1 comment:

  1. Nice pictures of Bella before she heads out for her 1st day of preschool! Hope you have a wonderful year, Sweetheart!
