Monday, September 19, 2011

I did it

I successfully took both kids to a doctor appointment solo.  They both did great even though the whole thing took about 2.5 hours between driving there, the appointment, and driving home.
But I had to share this story which made me ask "Really?!!"
It was me lugging around Oliver in his car seat and pushing Bella in her wheel chair.  And we took up a lot of room.  We parked in the parking garage at Children's Mercy and then had to take the elevator up to the hospital level.  On the way up we got in and another couple squeezed in with us, it was tight.  When we were leaving there was a maintenance guy that got on the elevator in front of us, and then I got on.  With only the one guy in the elevator I didn't even have room to turn Bella around, she basically was looking into the back corner of the elevator.  And then a dad and his son get on, and I try and condense us even more into the corner, and then the guy's wife gets on pushing her daughter in a stroller.  Are you kidding me?  Pretty sure there are 3 other elevators and it doesn't take that long for another one to open up.  So in order for her to fit, she pushes the stroller wheel onto my foot (I was able to get my actual foot out of the way, and the wheel was just resting on the edge of my flip flop).  The mother did apologize once she realized the stroller wheel was on my shoe.  And then since I had parked on level two, the whole other family had to get out of the elevator so I could get out, and then they got back on.  Wondering if at some point they realized maybe they should have just waited for another elevator.....or if it was just me!

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