Thursday, October 20, 2011

Bella’s IEP

We got an update today on Bella’s goals for school.  I thought I would share them with you.  Bella’s goals are very realistic for her, but it still makes me very sad to see it on paper and realize just how very very far behind she is.  I think it will be even worse as she gets older, but only time will tell.

Goal#1 – By September 2012, when presented with an object, Bella will independently look at it and use her hand to reach for it, 7/10 opportunities.

Progress as of Oct, Objective not met but making adequate progress toward meeting the objective.

Goal #2 – By September 2012, during classroom activities Bella will demonstrate improved manipulation skills, as evidenced by her ability to pick up a small object with either hand and release it into a container, with 5 verbal and/or physical prompts 70% of the time on 3 out of 4 data days.

Progress as of Oct, Bella picks up a small object on 68% of opportunities and releases it into a container 55% of opportunities.  She requires an average of 12 physical and/or verbal prompts to do so.

Goal #3 – By September 2012, Bella will demonstrate improved visual motor skills, as evidenced by her ability to complete a 3 piece large knob puzzle, with 3 adult verbal and/or physical prompts on 3 out of 4 days.

Progress as of Oct, Bella will take out an average of 2.5 pieces of a 9 piece puzzle but has yet to put pieces in.  She requires an average of 13.5 prompts and 17.5 minutes to do so.


And that’s what Bella works on at school for Occupational Therapy.

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