Friday, October 7, 2011

It's been a long morning

It's been one of those mornings that makes you just want to crawl back in bed.  And of course it's happening on a morning where I have a million things I need to get done.
Let's start on a positive note - Oliver slept through the night, Bella was only up once for a short period of time.
Oliver woke up for the morning at 6:45am, he was in a good mood and took his bottle.
Oliver and I then came downstairs and I made myself my morning drink of half cappuccino/half hot chocolate (yes I am a very weak coffee drinker) and we played with some of his toys.
I heard Bella stirring at 7:30am and went upstairs to get her.  I put her in her chair, Oliver was in his high chair.
Oliver was getting a tad cranky so I swaddled him and put him down for a nap.  He started crying, which he doesn't normally do for his morning naps.  I was in the process of making Bella breakfast, so I let him cry for a little while.
I got Oliver up and put him back in the high chair.  I thought maybe he was hungry again, because he hadn't taken his full bottle this morning and since he had slept through the night, he didn't get the middle of the night bottle.  Plus even though sleeping through the night is great, it changes up our schedule and it might take a little getting used to our new routine (that's if I am lucky enough to have him keep sleeping through the night).
But it was Bella's turn to eat.  Of course she was being whiny and didn't want to eat.  So then you have to ask yourself "the questions."
1.  Does something hurt on Bella?
2.  Is she just not hungry yet?
3.  Does she just not want to eat what you have made her?

She didn't want to drink any of her water either.  So I offered her up some of my drink, which at this point was cold since it had been so long since I made it.  And she drank it.  And then she wanted more.  And then she decided she would eat what I had made her.
At this point Oliver starts to cry again.  I tell him he will just have to wait a little bit so Bella can get in some breakfast.  Surprisingly the 3 month old didn't quite understand my reasoning and was still crying.
So we abort Bella's breakfast and I get her out to lay down and play on the floor.  I make Oliver another bottle and try and feed him.  He doesn't take very much of it, so obviously he wasn't hungry.  I attempt to put him down again, and this time he falls asleep.
Going in another direction - is anyone else battling horrible allergies this fall.  I swear they have been worse than normal.  So most days I end up having to take a benedryl, which gets rid of the allergies, but makes me drowsy.  So on a good day if my energy level is at 70%, the benedryl knocks it down to 40%.
So after Oliver falls asleep Bella and I go upstairs to get dressed for the day.  I decide to take a quick 5 minute shower, because I'm not sure if I will be able to fit it in later.
Then we come downstairs and I feed her the rest of her breakfast, which thankfully she opens up and eats right away.
So it's only 3 hours after I have woken up and I can finally say I have both kids fed breakfast and at least Bella and I are dressed for the day.  Not thinking much productivity is going to be happening today at this rate.
Well it's time to get this kid back up and attempt a bath with him, I guess Bella will just have to watch from her play chair.

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