Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Chronicles of a walk

So every morning when it is somewhat decent outside my loving husband suggests that I should take everyone for a walk.  And I think to myself "yes I should, but it would take a lot of work".

First our mornings are very hectic, my main problem is that I try and squeeze out every minute of sleep that I can, which usually means that both Bella and Oliver want to eat at the same time.  I need to get in the habit of waking up around 6:30 or 7am, and then the morning might be a little smoother.  As they are now, I usually feed Oliver first while Bella is hanging out with us, then I put him in an infant chair and make breakfast for Bella.  Usually by the time I am feeding Bella, Oliver is bored with the chair and I either put him in the swing or in his pack and play to sleep.  At this same time I usually make myself something to eat and then Bella and I finish breakfast.  By the time this whole process is done usually 1 to 1.5 hours has passed.  And might I mention I have not even gotten a chance to brush my teeth, let alone shower, get dressed, or anything else for myself.  This is why I need to make myself get up earlier.

Anyways, so you can see the morning is hectic and long as it is.  Then this morning as soon as Bella finished eating we decided to head out on our walk.  And this is how it goes.

Trip 1 up the stairs to quickly brush my teeth, put on some decent clothes, and my socks and shoes, while a fussing Bella is still at the table.
Trip 2 down the stairs to make sure I know where the stroller is.
Trip 3 down the stairs with Bella and her water to load into the stroller.
Trip 4 down the stairs to take the dogs and their leashes and have them wait near Bella.
Trip 5 down the stairs with Oliver and load him into the stroller.

I put the dogs on their leashes and hooked them to the stroller and off we went.

We get to the corner of our circle and Elle decides to squat and poop right on the street.  Luckily I have a bag, which I proceed to pick up her poop and leave the bag at the corner to pick up on our way home (this way we don't have to smell it the whole way).
Colby had her knee surgery a couple of months ago, so we can't go a long distance with her along, so we went maybe half a mile and then turned around, soon after Colby decides to squat and poop, again right in the street.  This time I don't have a bag, because I already used the last one for Elle, so now we will have to come back and get it, and this time we aren't so close to home.

Trip 6 up the stairs to drop the dogs off and get more grocery sacks to pick up poop.

The kids and I head back out to collect Colby's poop, but this time Oliver has decided to cry, apparently he didn't like the pit stop where he had to be still for a few minutes.  Oliver proceeds to cry the whole walk to the poop and then when we are getting near the turn towards our house he finally stops crying and I believe he falls asleep.  The weather is so nice and Bella is enjoying herself that I decide to take the extra half mile loop around the circle to our house.  Of course as soon as I make this decision and get passed our street, Oliver again starts to cry.  And he gets louder and louder and louder.  Finally I pick him up, and then have to carry him the half mile to our house, while still pushing Bella in the double stroller.
We make it home.

Trip 7 up the stairs taking Oliver up and putting him in the swing.
Trip 8 up the stairs taking Bella up and putting her in her activity chair.

At this point mom is exhausted and I barely did a workout (I really only walked a little over a mile and had a bunch of stops).  So what I realized is, it's pretty much more work getting everyone loaded and unloaded than the actual walk or run would be.

I think mom should get to go out on her own and dad should be in charge of taking everyone with him.........yes, I think that sounds like a great idea!!