Friday, August 5, 2011

Ear Surgery Part IV

Bella had her ear tubes removed at the beginning of this year and we have had a very welcome period of no ear infections since.  But she has gone backwards in her speaking, prior she was saying ma ma ma and other similar words, after the removal of the tubes she was back to screaming and only doing vowel sounds.  So we knew she was having hearing issues, and decided we would try again with the ear tubes in hopes of restoring her hearing, and the new tubes not having chronic infections.
Bella's surgery was on Wednesday of this week and just as we thought she had severe hearing loss due to fluid that was able to get into the eardrum and had no way to get out.  Hopefully with the ear tube, it now has a place to get out, and in a few months we will redo the hearing test to see if we are in a more normal hearing range.
Bella fairs pretty well with these small surgeries.  Is it a bad thing when the lady working in the surgery waiting room recognizes you and knows you have been there a few times before.....I'm going to say it is.
Bella's arm was in bad shape after surgery, they had put the blood pressure cuff on so tightly that it broke blood vessels in her arm, similar to when she coughs so hard it breaks blood vessels around her eyes.  I'm surprised they didn't notice this was happening during surgery.
So now we wait and see if her talking returns, and we hope and pray the ear infections do not return!

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