Sunday, August 28, 2011

We are Back

I have pictures to share from the wedding we attended and stories to tell about our trip there and back, but first I thought I would share this little story.

We got home today and I was hanging out with the kids in our family room as Jesse unloaded most of the bags.  He took the suitcases upstairs and came back down and informed me that we now have birds living in our attic. He was pretty sure they were in the attic, because he could hear them chirping when he was in the main part of our bedroom, but not when he went towards the balcony, the closets, or over towards the windows.  We were trying to figure out how they would have gotten into the attic, maybe when the roof was replaced they left something open??  Anyways, Jesse was commenting on how much fun it was going to be to get into the attic and try and get rid of the birds.

A little later on, Jesse went back upstairs.  He then came downstairs and reported that he had killed the birds.  I hadn't heard any commotion, and was surprised he had killed them.  He said he started to hear them in the duct work behind our dresser and couldn't figure out how they would have gotten into our bedroom wall.
Then he looked to the left and saw Oliver's swing.........and turned it off.  Those nature sounds must be pretty realistic.  Problem solved!

1 comment:

  1. Hilarious story! What a hoot! (Or should I say tweet?) Glad you didn't have to go up in the attic after all, Jess! :)
