Thursday, August 4, 2011

What time is it?

I haven't been posting lately.....I have been busy watching the clock.  You see last early Friday morning I got mastitis, feel free to look it up if you don't know what it is.  Which was a day after Oliver got diagnosed with thrush (which is a yeast infection rumored to be hard to get rid of that occurs in the mouth).  So while I have had fevers off and on and in general not been feeling good the past week, Bella had a bunch of appointments and then surgery yesterday on her ears, and Oliver has been taking medicine that has been messing with his system all during the same time.  So in other words it has been busy hectic around here, the house is a mess, and I haven't had time to do anything around the house or on the computer.
For the most part I am finally feeling better.  So soon I will actually post about Oliver's 1st month checkup, Bella's ear surgery and hearing test, Jesse's progress in the basement, you know normal life.
But for now I watch the see I somehow have to remember:
1.  Oliver's eating time
2.  The time I last pumped
3.  The time I last ate
4.  The time I take my antibotic
5.  The time I take the thrush medicine (both mom and baby have to be treated otherwise they pass it back and forth during feeding).
6.  The time I give Oliver his thrush medicine.
7.  The time Oliver needs to goes down for a nap
8.  When Bella gets her ear drops
and on and on and on

Yesterday at the hospital while waiting for Bella's surgery I was reading a People magazine, there was a picture of Kate Hudson at the beach with her older son Ryder and her boyfriend(?), and the caption said she was lounging at the beach after giving birth to her newest child 2 weeks ago.  And immediately I thought, she must have a nanny she trusts and is not breastfeeding..............and I was insanely jealous, what I wouldn't give to spend a little relaxing time at the beach right now!

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