Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Messy House Tour

I can't believe I am going to show you this, but I was walking around the house and noticing that it is a complete pit.  So instead of taking the time to clean it, I am going to blog about it.  Actually I will be cleaning it shortly, as it really needs it

So here goes.

Living room, filled with toys and the vacuum that needs to be used in that room.
Dining room still set up from poker night last Friday, and boxes from Jesse's trip to Costco, which I need to find a place to put stuff away.
 Kitchen - the biggest mess; pots and pans to be cleaned, more things to be put away on all surfaces.
 Family Room - pretty much always looks like this, with all of Bella's toys out.
 Rec Room - boxes with stuff for donation that need to be sorted and cataloged so we can claim them on our taxes.  Also another place for random toys, which means they have basically taken over three different rooms.
 Hall bathroom - I started a new painting project, needs to be cleaned up before bath night tonight.  The pain of only having one bathtub that works around here.
 The craft room - a new project has been started.....notice anything Erin?
 The craft room is also a guest bedroom and an office, these boxes still house all my stuff from working in an office (which means it has sat here for months).  I need to figure out what to do with it, and what I really need to keep.
The bedrooms were actually in decent shape, so I didn't take any pictures.

Well I better get busy cleaning - but don't hold me to it!

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