Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Is Whining Annoying?

Last night we got little sleep.  Nothing new there.

This morning Bella was up and fussing at 5:30am.  Not even sure if she slept much last night at all.  Jesse was debating how well he felt and if he should stay home to recoup another day before going back to work.

After listening to Bella for 10 minutes this morning, he decided to go into work.

I would have left too if I could have.

Bella fussed all morning, no matter what was happening.  What she really wanted was drinks, but even if you were giving her drinks, she would fuss.  Boy would it have been nice if the child could give herself a drink. 

When Oliver went down for a nap, I sat with her, 2 hours straight, giving her drinks, feeding her, etc.  30 minutes in she finally stopped fussing and just enjoyed getting drinks.  The second Oliver was up and I couldn’t give her my undivided attention, she was back to fussing again.

By 1:30 today I was sitting in my closet alone, screaming because I was so frustrated.  At 2pm I put her in her bed, I told her I wasn’t going to check on her for an hour, because I needed a break and the best thing for her would be to fall asleep.

Luckily she did, and some 2 hours later she is still sleeping.

Tomorrow needs to be better than today, or I will seriously be checking myself into an insane asylum…you can sleep there right?

And looks like I’m not alone…

Science Confirms It: Whining Is The Most Annoying Sound Ever
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