Wednesday, January 9, 2013


What Would Jesse Do? - probably find something to complain about... with perhaps a little humor.  Let's give it a shot.

So in response to Kristen's survey, I've heard there are a couple people out there that would like to hear from me.  I tried going out on my own with a blog but couldn't find the time and didn't have any followers... so  I guess I will try to make an effort to post once a week... maybe shoot for hump day each week with content  being whatever is on my mind... maybe do a recap of the previous week's events and add to those Kristen has already commented on with a Jesse spin on it.

Friday - The Kids slept through the night... BUT
   Kristen had to go and jinx it by posting about it.  I told her that she needed to just have a counter on the sidebar that she reset whenever the kids slept through the night.  That way when people saw that the counter was on day 137, they might realize that we go no frickin sleep around here :)  We do... just interrupted sleep... so we don't get the much needed REM sleep.  So YEAH for the kids on Friday... BOO for Kristen's post on Saturday because we have been paying for it since.

Saturday - Oliver's pukey day
   Poor kid had a couple episodes on Saturday night out of nowhere... he wasn't acting sick in the least all day, or during his episodes, but apparently it wasn't the "something he ate" that we originally thought it was.  Hint - see post Monday

Sunday - Tiling
   I don't think I could have complained anymore on this minor project... from mixing the 50lb bag of mortar unsuccessfully in a 5 gallon bucket to setting the tile in a "levelish" manner on the highly sloped un-level re-mortared brick hearth.  Originally thought tiling in the winter is not a bad idea, until you realize how easy it is to clean things off when you are outside with the hose when the temps are nice outside... instead I made a mess of the basement cutting tile, then mixing the mortar.  For mixing the mortar, I originally started by using a shovel, which the mortar powder adhered to and I had clean off later outside with the frigidly cold faucet water.  I then proceeded  to use my drill/mixer which made me think I was going to be buying a new drill once I burned the motor up cause I could smell it.  Once that was mixed, I proceeded to spread a significantly thick bed of mortar down to attempt to "level" up the surface... halfway FAIL... ohh well.  I set the tile and we will grout in the near future and it will look better than previously, but will still bother me that I know its not as level as it should be.

Monday - There's the good news & the bad news
   Bella had a dentist appt.  This was her first actual checkup because the local childrens hospital we took her to a couple years ago for a checkup was a complete joke.  The dentist and hygienist we go to yearly had previously communicated to us to go ahead and bring her in not knowing her full condition, but knowing she was disabled.  They were very gentle with her and I think it went better than expected.  I expected them to tell us that Bella would need to be put under for a routine cleaning, but they said to come back a couple more times for Bella to get acclimated to the environment and they would be happy to try.  The best news we received was that Bella has gotten all of her teeth, and is now getting in her 6 yr molars... so that has been her problem for the past half a year or more.  We were worried that her teeth might not be coming in, or that she was missing some, or who knows since she was born with a cleft palate, but all is well.  She will need braces and a little more care, but that is definitely doable.
  And the not so fun news.. so while we were at the dentist office, as Kristen's previous post alluded to... both her and I were feeling a little queasy.  Once we were back home, the "fun" began and proceeded through the night till about midnight... then we had a break until Bella started up at 130am.  During Oliver's bath that night, I was paying particular attention to his two rubber duckies.  For those who do not wish to know the specifics of our sickness, you can stop reading this post now.  I thought it was rather humorous that one of these rubber duckies had a whole in the bottom, which if filled with water, the ducky shoots it out his bottom side.  The other ducky has a hole in its beak... fill it with water and the ducky shoots it out his beak.  Out the bottom and out the top... perhaps at the same time and in a very similar "watery/spray" manner.  Too graphic for you?... May I humor you some more?  Don't mind if I do... I know some of you have been there before, so I'm just going to come out and say it.  So let's say I hypothetically wake up at 1030pm with the shakes and a sudden feeling of puking... I figured I didn't need to use the bedside trash can so I ran to the bathroom and crashed at the "used" toilet. That's never a pleasant thing to look at while you're bent over trying to puke, but let's move on.  As I kneel there next to the porcelain throne, I begin to question if it was the Deuce that was calling my number instead.  What if both happened at the same time and which position would I prefer to be in? I think a deuce in my pants is out of the question so I quickly swapped positions.  However, I did have to yell for Kristen to bring me the trashcan so I was ready for either.   Good times I tell ya... good times.  Then over the next 24 hrs we got to clean up our kids' (yes that plural) puke and diarrhea diapers... BOOM... The 24 hr Fluenza Extravagenza... Kuhlen style.  Glad its over with now and what a relief that we all got flu shots this year!

That pretty much wraps up the week.  Hope you have a fluenza free week and weekend.

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