Thursday, January 24, 2013


I’m not sure if you noticed, but I added a little sleep days counter to the blog on the sidebar.  This way I can keep track of how many days of continuous sleep we will get in a year.  The rules are, we can not get up with the kids for the core hours of 10pm till 5am.  If that happens, then it’s a continuous night of sleep for us, regardless if we don’t actually get to bed by 10pm ourselves.  That’s our problem not theirs!

Hopefully the number will just keep creeping up and I will be embarrassed by all the days of sleep we have gotten.  I might mean I have to eat my words about complaining about no sleep, but more importantly it would mean we would actually get sleep!

1 comment:

  1. I love your sleep counter! I only read on my Google Reader, so I am glad you pointed it out :)
