Tuesday, August 21, 2012

A little bit twisted

We got Bella off to school this morning and Oliver and I were going to take a nice long walk with some friends.

As I was getting ready in my room, Oliver was going around making a mess as usual.  It’s amazing that it only takes 5 seconds for him to “play” with something, and then 15 minutes for me to put it back together.  I’m talking about my serger, which he decided would be fun to take the threads off and throw them around the room.  A serger takes a little getting used to when threading it through the machine, so now I have to untwist everything and get it back together.  Apparently this twisting should have been my warning.


Because very soon after that we headed outside and I loaded him into the stroller.  I gave him some cereal to keep him occupied while I gathered all the things I thought we might need on the walk.  I figured this would contain him so I wouldn’t have to clean up any other messes!


To which he proceeded to throw all the cereal on the ground as usual.


So I called the dogs outside to clean up his mess.  In the process of me getting over for the dogs to get through the doorway, as I was also going out the doorway, I miss-stepped and twisted my ankle.  Bad.  I actually had to sit down on the ground it hurt so bad.  I sat there for a few minutes and then tenderly stood on it.  It could take my weight, so nothing broken.  I decided to go ahead with the walk, since my friend was driving over and I didn’t want to tell her to turn around.  Well I think I’m paying for that decision to proceed with a 3 mile walk on a twisted ankle.  It just starting to swell up now, but I can barely put any weight on it.  Looks like it’s going to be a good day over here.  And it’s not that I think my twisted ankle is that great of a story, it’s not.  But I can tell you I’m dreading having to carry Bella around today, especially up the stairs.  It’s those little things that can really put a wrench into your day when you have to worry about carrying around and caring for your 5 year old child that is immobile.

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