Friday, August 10, 2012

Moves Like Jagger

I believe I have talked before about how much Oliver loves to dance.  He requests music to be turned on all the time.  It's pretty much the first thing he wants to do in the morning, regardless of the time.

And it doesn't matter what he is doing, the music moves him.

Maroon 5 is his favorite.  It doesn't matter where he is in the house, if it's on, he will come.

Yes I do spontaneously sing in that video, I just couldn't help myself.  Once I realized what I was doing, I stopped.
Yes I also noticed that the child is in his pajamas in these videos, we tend to wear our pajamas for awhile in this house.
Yes the videos tends to shake, I also start dancing to get him excited and then realize later, that doesn't make for a very good video.  Maybe we should be taking these when Dad is also around.
And yes these videos are long.  I always hope to catch something great, and then realize I just need to stop recording.

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